The Ministry of Power has launched the “URJA” (Urban Jyoti Abhiyaan) App, a smartphone application. It is a digital initiative to bring the performance of Distribution Utilities (Discoms) in IT-enabled towns to the public’s attention, intending to instil a sense of positive competition among stakeholders and encourage all parties involved to improve performance in all consumer-centric parameters. In Goa, the Minister also launched the Pradhan Mantri UJALA (Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LED for All) Yojana, which aims to replace 15 million LED bulbs, affecting roughly 5 lakh homes. Consumers are eligible for three 9-watt LED bulbs at a reduced rate of Rs 25 apiece instead of the market pricing of Rs 300-350. Every year, the initiative will help Goa save about 78 million kWh and around Rs 850-1,000 on electricity expenses.
The URJA App’s Consumer Dashboard provides data on the monthly performance of 1405 urban towns on the following parameters:
- Redress of consumer complaints
- Introduction of a new service link
- Consumer experience an average number of interruptions and average duration of interruptions
- The number of people who use e-payments.
- Loss of energy/power theft, i.e., AT&C loss
In addition to the preceding, the App will direct users to their respective Discoms’ web portals, Customer Care No. 1912, and the status of their implementation.
The IPDS Dashboard provides Discom Centric information on the progress of the Integrated Power Development Scheme components, viz.
- Towns with IT Enablement – Number of cities with IT Enablement
- Urban System Strengthening – Number of Projects Completed SCADA Progress – Number of Control Centers Commissioned
- NIT Status – NIT issued in Rs. Cr. is still active.
- IPDS sanctions – Amount in Rs Crore sanctioned by GoI for IPDS projects Feeder Monitoring – Feeder Data on National Power Portal IPDS sanctions – Amount in Rs Crore approved by GoI for IPDS projects
How to make use of the App?
Each dashboard in the App has four levels: All India, State, Discom, and Town.
Choose one of the levels, then type in the desired location, such as
- To access data about Uttar Pradesh at the state level, type a few starting letters, such as “ut,” and then pick Uttar Pradesh from the drop-down menu.
- To see data about Purvanchal at the DISCOM level, insert a few starting letters, such as “pu,” and then pick the PuVVNL – Purvanchal UP Discom.
- To get data on Varanasi at the TOWN level, insert a few initial letters, such as “va,” and then pick Varanasi.
The Tiles depict the many components, with each Tile representing one of the six criteria discussed in the program. To check the location’s rank and value, click on the respective area over the wheel on the Consumer dashboard and flip the tiles.
By default, the App displays data from the most recent month; however, earlier months’ data can be viewed by selecting the matching month.
Data is updated every month for the preceding month’s report before the 10th of each month (Consumer Complaints pending, Avg duration of Power cuts, Avg Number of Power cuts, pending connections, Consumers making E-Payment). The percentage loss of power/theft data is based on a one-year rolling average.
The government is launching this App to offer transparency in India’s power sector by giving information and data on the power outage and its duration. It aims to resolve many pending complaints, theft of power or loss of power, and many other consumer-related problems related to e-payment. You can also register your complaints by visiting the official website.
The App will serve as a physical representation of the Prime Minister’s sound governance principles, focusing on people and cooperative federalism. In Goa, the Union Minister also launched the Pradhan Mantri UJALA (Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LED for All) Yojana, which aims to replace 15 lakh LED lights affecting roughly 5 lakh families. Consumers are eligible for three 9W LED bulbs at subsidized pricing of Rs.25 each, compared to a market price of Rs.300-350. The scheme, which was launched in the presence of Goa Chief Minister Shri Laxmikant Parsekar, is expected to save the state around 78 million kWh per year and Rs.850-1000 on annual electricity expenses. The Union Minister also unveiled the “Vidyut Pravah” App. The scope of the “DEEP” (Discovery of Efficient Electricity Price) e-Bidding and e-Reverse Auction Portal has been further increased, according to the Minister, by including banking mechanisms and medium-term power buying. To combat the threat of electricity theft, the Union Minister stated that the government would shortly implement 100 per cent smart metering. According to him, there is currently a 24 to 26 per cent loss due to power theft. The two-day conference will likely discuss coal-related concerns, hydropower regulation, transmission-related difficulties, and other issues.