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Smart women make these smart money moves

Written by - Chitra Grace Marion

December 22, 2017 3 minutes

Women tend to face bigger financial hurdles when compared to men. This is due to the reason that women live longer lives. Moreover, women tend to exit their work environment at different times due to reasons such as pregnancy, taking care of children, aging parents; also admittedly, their salaries are less than that of men when they begin their careers. Hence, it is essential that women make smarter decisions with money to keep them wealthy until their retirement age.

These are some ways to invest wisely:

  1. Taking care of debts

According to research, women are likelier than men to have credit card debt. In addition, women are likelier to carry a credit balance and be charged for a late fee. Women can lose a lot of money on credit card debt that is why it is important to get out of it as soon as possible. Work towards getting a second job to make more money and look for ways to increase your income. Also, cut back on needless expenses. As soon as your are out of debt ensure that you do not fall back into it.

  1. Live simply

The simplest way to stay out of any kind of debt is to live in a simple manner and not overspend. Preparing a budget and sticking to it is an important aspect. Keep track of your daily spending to understand your typical spending habits. Learn to spend and save at the same time. Pay more attention to saving and make it easier by signing up for monthly SIPs in the form of mutual funds. Your money gets automatically deducted at the beginning of the month and you will not be tempted to spend it.

  1. Manage your own money

Many women let their husbands call the shots on their money and investments. Do not wait till the day you regret such decisions. Discuss your household spending and future financing plans with your significant other. Understand how much money you hold and how best to invest it. If you are aware of what is happening with your money, you will be aware of debts and any wrong financial decisions that have been taken in the past.

  1. Make a financial plan

Less than a third of all unmarried women have tried to calculate the amount of money they will need on retirement. This is much less than unmarried men are as that figure stands to about half of them. This is not a good practice and you should immediately formulate your financial plan. Your plan should have everything from your stock and bond investments, income from jobs, rent from owned properties etc. Prepare for an emergency fund that you may use when you quit your job for another opportunity or for a medical need.

  1. Effective decision-making

Once you are aware of the sum you need to have when you retire, you can begin to save as well as invest. Calculate everything from you monthly spending and earning and any unexpected expenses that may turn up. Keep tweaking your financial plan over the years as the plan needs to have some flexibility due to various reasons such as change in priorities, market volatility etc. Ensure that you hold a diversified investment portfolio to protect yourself from losses and risks.

Even though women encounter higher economic hurdles than men do, it is possible for women of this digital age to invest wisely and well. By researching well and making sound choices, success in investment is possible for women.

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