The school education ShaGun is an initiative launched by the Ministry of Human Resource Development of India to help improve India’s school system of education. The Ministry of Human Resources Development is one of the most critical parts of the Indian government. It helps develop the resources that the citizens require and takes care of all the necessities and their development. The ShaGun initiative started by the Ministry of Human Resource Development involves the creation of platforms for both Central and State education portals for the Department of School Education and Literacy. The word ShaGun is a combination of two words that are ‘Shala’ (meaning school) and ‘Gunvatta’ (meaning quality).
The initiative is an effort meant for online monitoring the websites and capturing the small and big innovations and creativity being made at the elementary levels in schools across India and for the frequent monitoring of SSA or Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan initiative the Indian government. After introducing the Samagra Shiksha initiative in the education session 2018-19, no distinction exists in elementary, secondary, and secondary levels of classes. The platform acts as a single point of meeting between all the departments. Anyone can access the information of more than 9 million teachers and 250 million students, along with 1.5 million schools, with the help of SE ShaGun.
The SE ShaGun is a platform that acts as one-point access to many of the initiatives being launched by the Indian government in education. Over the years since the independence of India, the country has constantly worked towards the development of education and the quality of education that is going to build a better future for India, and the schemes and initiatives that have been launched towards the effort, can all be accessed at single-point access which is the SE ShaGun platform. The initiatives or schemes that ShaGun is hosting are as follows:
- Samagra Shiksha
- Mid-Day Meal initiative
- National Means cum Merit Scholarship Scheme
- Scheme for Providing Education in Madrasas and Minorities
- National Awards to Teachers
- National Scheme for Initiatives to Girls for Secondary Education
Availability of resources on ShaGun
The SE ShaGun platform hosts information about the digital knowledge of resources, and some of the digitalized knowledge resources that are available on the ShaGun platform for everyone and anyone to access are as follows:
- The ShaGun platform is an excellent initiative that has been launched by the Indian Government and Ministry of Human Resource Development that hosts the information about several digital platforms being provided under the Indian government. Some of the e-learning platforms that the ShaGun platform hosts under its realm are pathshala, the NCERT provided NISHTA or National Initiative for School Heads and Teachers Holistic Advancement, and NROER or National Repository Open Educational Resources.
- Another great portal provided by the Indian government about which the information has been provided on the ShaGun platform is DIKSHA or Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing. DIKSHA may be regarded as a storehouse of eLearning and eLearning content and information, a joint venture initiative between the Central Government, the State Governments, and the UTs. The DIKSHA platform provides another excellent opportunity to digitalize education in India a bright future.
Association of Institutes with ShaGun
Autonomous bodies that are active in the education and education system play a key role in implementing and regulating the policies made and regulated throughout the country by the government of India. The ShaGun platform is an active participant in hosting and partnering with several autonomous institutes. Many of them are listed below:
- KVS or Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
- CBSE or Central Board of Secondary Education
- NVS or Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
- NCTE or National Council for Teacher Education
- NCERT or National Council of Educational Research and Training
- NIOS or National Institute of Open Schooling
- CTSA or Central Tibetan Schools Administration
- NBB or National Bal Bhavan
Benefits of ShaGun
The beneficiaries of the ShaGun platform are many people and many groups of people. The benefits being awarded and gathered with the help of the educational platform are also several that have turned out to be excellent for the country and its educating platform. The many benefits of the platform are mentioned as follows:
The parents of India are highly involved in their children’s education and often try to find ways to give children the best that education can provide. The a=parents of the country and the general population will gather all the information about schools and teachers from the ShaGun portal. The user of the portal is also allowed to provide feedback.
The students of India will be able to get access to eLearning and eContent and get information and access to portals such as DIKSHA, NROER, ePathshala, and many others. The access and information will help students get an enhanced learning experience.
The principals of schools and the teachers shall be encouraged and motivated to improve the teaching experience at schools with the help of teaching methods present on DIKSHA and with the help of portals and sites such as NCERT and NCTE.
The decision-makers of the State, as well as the Central government, will be able to access important information with the help of UDISE+ (Unified District Information System for Education) and Data Analytics.
Monitoring mechanism on ShaGun
The monitoring system for ShaGun helps gather data on several significant parameters related to education, especially school education at the State level and UTs. To gather accurate information based on real-time data gathered from schools, it is collected using the UDISE+ or Unified District Information System for Education. The School GIS system allows students, teachers, parents, and the general public to receive severe topographical and geographical, as well as critical information.
The Data Analytics window takes the help of an organized structure to gather and assemble all the data to provide an analysis and provide decisions backed by critical thinking and based on evidence. The PMS online system of monitoring helps keep a log of the flow of investment and the progress of the projects that the Central and State governments are incurring. The dashboard on the portal of ShaGun provides an eagle’s eye view of all the schemes that have been implemented and provides the features of all the schemes and features of the Institutes that fall under the administrative control of the departments.
ShaGun is a platform that acts as a great initiative taken by the Indian government to further the development of education in the country, but the portal is an overall example of how well the digitalization of education is taking over the education system of India. Digital education is a system that is defined by progress in both fields of technology and education and is a clear example of how technological advancements of the world give everything a chance to flourish and become better. Therefore, India’s students and parents have greatly advantaged with the help of ShaGun and its associated platforms.