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Homemakers and Investment

Written by - Naren

February 13, 2017 2 minutes

                                   (This article has been published in Finsight- February 2017)

Gone are the days when homemakers were solely tasked with the running and maintenance of the household. Today, they are equally involved in the investment-making decisions of the household.

Some of the common investment choices preferable to homemakers include:

  • Gold – who can resist the temptation of the yellow metal, especially if it is a woman? Homemakers find gold to be their most favorite investment tool and usually indulge in gold jewelry for themselves or their children.
  • Fixed deposits – women are more cautious and risk-averse compared to their male counterparts. Since it takes a lot of effort on their part to scrimp on the monthly budget, a fixed interest bearing investment is more preferred. Fixed deposits are thus popular among housewives.
  • Recurring deposits – another popular investment channel is the recurring deposit scheme. This scheme lets homemakers save small amounts every month towards building a good corpus. Since they get a monthly budget, saving monthly is more convenient.

 Trivia: A study conducted by DSP BlackRock Investment Managers depicts the relationship of working and non-working women with financial investments. According to their study, 92% of the working women and 84% of the non-working women made financial investment decisions. Among this 84 % of homemakers, 10% were the sole decision-makers when it came to making a decision about a financial investment while the remaining 74% were joint decision makers.

-Rupanjali Mitra Basu
Founder and Chief Training Enthusiast at FinProWise

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