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Blog Banking Bank of Baroda Mini Statement 

Bank of Baroda Mini Statement 

Written by - Rudri Rawell

October 3, 2023 4 minutes

Bank of Baroda has embraced digital banking services to provide its customers with convenience and customer-centric solutions. One such solution is its mini statement. Account holders can easily access the Bank of Baroda mini statement service through various channels, including the missed call facility, SMS banking, and mobile banking. These digital platforms enable customers to stay updated on their account transactions and efficiently manage their finances. By leveraging digital innovation, Bank of Baroda aims to deliver a seamless banking experience to its valued customers.

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What does Bank of Baroda mini statement offer?

The Bank of Baroda mini statement offers valuable information about the most recent transactions in your account. This includes details such as deposits, withdrawals, fund transfers, cleared or bounced cheques, and ATM transactions. Each transaction is accompanied by the date and time, allowing customers to keep track of their account activity.

How to Get a Bank of Baroda Mini Statement

Through ATM

One of the simplest methods to obtain a Bank of Baroda mini statement is by visiting any Bank of Baroda ATM. By inserting your ATM card and entering your PIN, you can select the ‘Mini Statement’ option from the menu. The ATM machine will then print out your mini statement, providing you with a snapshot of your recent transactions.

Through Mobile Banking

Bank of Baroda has developed a user-friendly mobile banking app called M-Connect Plus. This app grants customers access to their mini statements anytime, anywhere. To utilize this service, you must first download the app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and register your account.

Once registered, you can log into the app using your credentials. Within the app, you’ll find an ‘Accounts’ section where you can select the ‘Mini Statement’ option. This will display your most recent transactions, enabling you to monitor your account activity effortlessly.

Through Missed Call Service

Bank of Baroda also offers a convenient missed call service to obtain your mini statement. By dialing the dedicated number from your registered mobile number, you can request your mini statement with just a missed call. After a few rings, the call will automatically disconnect, and shortly after, you will receive an SMS containing your mini statement.

How to register for Bank of Baroda mini statement

To enroll your mobile number for Bank of Baroda Mini Statement, simply follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have your account number handy.
  2. Compose an SMS with the following format: REG [space] last 4 digits of your account number.
  3. Send the SMS to either 9176612303 (Normal Charges) or 5616150 (Premium Charges).

Benefits of Bank of Baroda mini statement

The Bank of Baroda mini statement provides several advantages for its customers:

  1. Convenience: Accessing your mini statement is effortless and hassle-free, thanks to multiple channels such as ATMs, mobile banking, and missed call services.
  2. Immediate Access: The mini statement offers real-time information about your recent transactions, allowing you to stay up-to-date with your account activity at all times.
  3. Financial Management: By regularly reviewing your mini statement, you can effectively manage your finances, track your spending, and identify any discrepancies or unauthorized transactions.
  4. Security: Monitoring your account activity through mini statements enables you to promptly detect and report any fraudulent transactions or suspicious activities.

Important points to note about Bank of Baroda mini statement

Here are some important points to keep in mind while using Bank of Baroda mini statement:

  1. Customers can change their preferred account number by simply sending an SMS to register another account as the preferred one.
  2. Each customer is allowed to request a mini statement once per day.
  3. If a customer has the same account number registered for multiple accounts and has not set a preferred account, they will only be able to access the Bank of Baroda balance enquiry service.
  4. When customers call the Bank of Baroda Mini Statement Number, the system will disconnect the call after one ring to validate if the mobile number is registered or not.
  5. If a customer has already given a missed call from a mobile number that is not registered with their bank account, there will be no response.
  6. Bank of Baroda provides its customers with this service 24/7, ensuring round-the-clock availability.


The Bank of Baroda mini statement serves as a valuable tool for customers to access quick and essential information about their recent transactions. Whether you choose to obtain it through an ATM, mobile banking app, or the missed call service, it provides convenience, immediate access, and enhanced financial security. Regularly checking your mini statement helps you stay in control of your finances and ensures the safety of your bank account.

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