Categories: Stock Markets

Which stocks are changing in Nifty from Sep 2022 onwards?


The Indian stock markets are among the oldest in Asia and have attracted millions of investors over the decades. However, the pace of investing and the number of new investors and traders joining the markets today is unprecedented. For such high volumes of trades and high volatility of the markets, there was an acute need for proper regulations and a code of conduct to be followed by each participant from the very start. Viewing this need, the Government of India had set up SEBI and other regulatory bodies to govern the investing and trading of stocks and other related instruments on the stock exchanges. These regulatory bodies also decide the mechanism or the basis for which stocks can be listed on the exchanges or may be removed later.

Recently, it was announced that the NSE would be undergoing an alteration of the available stocks on their various indices. Below is the list of incoming and outgoing stocks and the broad mechanism followed by the stock exchange to readjust their stock lists. 

How and why are stocks on NSE restructured?

The list of stocks that are available on various indices on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) is based on the underlying methodology for each such index. As per the policy of SEBI, this list is to be reviewed every 6 months. The latest revision is scheduled on September 30. The conditions or situations that warrant the change in the list of stocks are detailed below.

  1. When the constituent on the index is moved to BZ/SZ category
  2. When a constituent on the index undergoes any changes in terms of the stock split, merger, spin-off, delisting, capital restructuring, etc., or any other case that may lead to changes in the stock prices.
  3. When the removal of the stock from the respective indices is in the interests of the investors at large or the stakeholders which will be determined by the Index Maintenance Sub-Committee (Equity) in any of the following cases,
    1. If there are adverse regulatory findings, or,
    2. Any order or governance-related issues
  4. In case when the trading permission for a particular constituent is withdrawn from the F&O segment (provided being able to be traded on the said segment is the primary condition for listing)
  5. When the security has been suspended on account of any reason for trading at the NSE from the Capital Market or the SME Emerge.

Furthermore, the exchange will have to provide a notification for the change in the broad market indices at least 4 weeks prior to the scheduled change. In the case of other indices, a notice of 5 working days has to be provided to all the relevant market participants in the manner as directed by SEBI. Such notice shall be applicable for both scheduled or additional readjustment of the indices.

Read More : How to invest in Nifty directly?

What are the changes in the list of stocks in the NSE indices from Sept 2022?

The changes that are about to be reflected in the different indices on NSE are tabled below.

  1. Nifty 50
Stocks to be excludedStocks to be included
Company NameSymbolCompany NameSymbol
Shree Cement LimitedSHREECEMAdani Enterprises LimitedADANIENT
  1. Nifty Next 50
Stocks to be excludedStocks to be included
Company NameSymbolCompany NameSymbol
Adani Enterprises LimitedADANIENTAdani Total Gas LimitedATGL
Jubilant Foodworks LimitedJUBLFOODBharat Electronics LimitedBEL
Lupin LimitedLUPINHindustan Aeronautics LimitedHAL
MindTree LimitedMINDTREEIndian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation LimitedIRCTC
Punjab National bank PNBMphasis LimitedMPHASIS
Steel Authority of IndiaSAILSamvardhana Motherson International LimitedMOTHERSON
Zydus Lifesciences LimitedZYDUSLIFEShree Cement LimitedSHREECEM
  1. Nifty 500
Stocks to be excludedStocks to be included
Company NameSymbolCompany NameSymbol
Advanced Enzyme Tech LimitedADVENZYMESAdani Wilmar Ltd.AWL
Eris Lifesciences LimitedERISAether Industries Ltd.AETHER
Glenmark Life Sciences LimitedGLSBharat Rasayan Ltd.BHARATRAS
Hathway Cable HATHWAYDeepak Fertilisers & Petrochemicals Corp. Ltd.DEEPAKFERT
Hemisphere Properties India Ltd.HEMIPROPGreenpanel Industries Ltd.GREENPANEL
Indo Count Industries Ltd.ICILJBM Auto Ltd.JBMA
IRCON International Ltd.IRCONMahindra Lifespace Developers Ltd.MAHLIFE
MindTree Ltd.MINDTREEMotherson Sumi Wiring India Ltd.MSUMI
Railtel Corporation Of India Ltd.RAILTELOlectra Greentech Ltd.OLECTRA
Sequent Scientific Ltd.SEQUENTPatanjali Foods Ltd.PATANJALI
Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd.SOLARARaymond Ltd.RAYMOND
Spicejet Ltd.SPICEJETSamvardhana Motherson International Ltd.MOTHERSON
Strides Pharma Science Ltd.STARSharda Cropchem Ltd.SHARDACROP
Tata Steel Long Products Ltd.TATASTLLPSwan Energy Ltd.SWANENERGY
Vakrangee Ltd.VAKRANGEETransport Corporation of India Ltd.TCI
Venky’s (India) Ltd.VENKEYSVedant Fashions Ltd.MANYAVAR
  1. Nifty 100
Stocks to be excludedStocks to be included
Company NameSymbolCompany NameSymbol
Jubilant Foodworks Ltd. JUBLFOODAdani Total Gas Ltd. ATGL
Lupin Ltd.LUPINBharat Electronics Ltd.BEL
Mindtree Ltd.MINDTREEHindustan Aeronautics Ltd. HAL
Punjab National Bank PNBIndian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation LimitedIRCTC
Steel Authority of India SAILMphasis LimitedMPHASIS
Zydus Lifesciences Ltd. ZYDUSLIFESamvardhana Motherson International LimitedMOTHERSON
  1. Nifty MidCap Select
Stocks to be excludedStocks to be included
Company NameSymbolCompany NameSymbol
Bharat Electronics Ltd.BELABB India Ltd.ABB
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. HALIndian Hotels Ltd. INDHOTEL
Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation LimitedIRCTCJindal Steel and Power Ltd. JINDALSTEEL
Mphasis LimitedMPHASISJubilant Foodworks Ltd. JUBLFOOD
  1. Nifty Midcap 150
Stocks to be excludedStocks to be included
Company NameSymbolCompany NameSymbol
Adani Total Gas Ltd. ATGLAdani Wilmar Ltd.AWL
Apollo Tyres Ltd.APOLLOTYREDevyani International Ltd.DEVYANI
Bharat Electronics Ltd.BELJubilant Foodworks Ltd. JUBLFOOD
Exide Industries Ltd.EXIDEINDK.P.R. Mill Ltd.KPRMILL
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd.GLENMARKMindtree Ltd.MINDTREE
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. HALMotherson Sumi Wiring India Ltd.Motherson Sumi Wiring India Ltd.
IDBI Bank Ltd.IDBIPatanjali Foods Ltd.PATANJALI
Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation LimitedIRCTCPoonawalla Fincorp Ltd.POONAWALLA
Manappuram Finance Ltd.MANAPPURAMPunjab National Bank PNB
Metropolis Healthcare Ltd.METROPOLISSteel Authority of India SAIL
Mphasis LimitedMPHASISVedant Fashions Ltd.MANYAVAR
Nuvoco Vistas Corporation LtdNUVOCOZydus Lifesciences Ltd. ZYDUSLIFE
  1. Nifty SmallCap 100
Stocks to be excludedStocks to be included
Company NameSymbolCompany NameSymbol
Aptus Value Housing Finance India Ltd.APTUSAether Industries Ltd.AETHER
Avanti Feeds Ltd.AVANTIFEEDApollo Tyres Ltd.APOLLOTYRE
Central Bank of IndiaCENTRALBKBorosil Renewables Ltd.BORORENEW
Devyani International Ltd.DEVYANICampus Activewear LtdCAMPUS
Dilip Buildcon Ltd.DBLCreditAccess Grameen Ltd.CREDITACC
Edelweiss Financial Services Ltd.EDELWEISSDeepak Fertilisers & Petrochemicals Corp. Ltd.DEEPAKFERT
GMM Pfaudler Ltd.GMMPFAUDLREasy Trip Planners LtdEASEMYTRIP
H.E.G. Ltd.HEGElgi Equipments Ltd.ELGIEQUIP
Indian Overseas BankIOBExide Industries Ltd.EXIDEIND
JK Lakshmi Cement Ltd.JKLAKSHMIGlenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd.GLENMARK
Kalyan Jewellers India Ltd.KALYANKJILIIFL Finance Ltd.IIFL
Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd.MOTILALOFSManappuram Finance LtdMANAPPURAM
PNB Housing Finance Ltd.PNBHOUSINGMetropolis Healthcare Ltd.METROPOLIS
Poonawalla Fincorp Ltd.POONAWALLANetwork18 Media & Investments Ltd.NETWORK18
Prince Pipes and Fittings Ltd.PRINCEPIPENLC India Ltd.NLCINDIA
Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd.RVNLPolyplex Corporation LtdPOLYPLEX
Rossari Biotech LtdROSSARIPraj Industries Ltd.PRAJIND
Sonata Software Ltd.SONATSOFTWShree Renuka Sugars Ltd.RENUKA
Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company Ltd.SPARCTriveni Engineering & Industries Ltd.TRIVENI
  1. Nifty Auto
Stocks to be excludedStocks to be included
Company NameSymbolCompany NameSymbol
Escorts Kubota Ltd.ESCORTSSamvardhana Motherson International Ltd.MOTHERSON
  1. Nifty IT
Stocks to be excludedStocks to be included
Company NameSymbolCompany NameSymbol
MindTree Ltd.*MINDTREEPersistent Systems Ltd.PERSISTENT
  1. Nifty Pharm
Stocks to be excludedStocks to be included
Company NameSymbolCompany NameSymbol
Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd.APLLTDGlaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals Ltd.GLAXO
Strides Pharma Science Ltd.STARSanofi India Ltd.SANOFI


The reshuffling of NIFTY and other indices of the NSE are a routine procedure that is done periodically by assessing the respective indices and the potential stocks to be included in the index. The periodicity of the reshuffling depends on the individual indices as some indices are restructured quarterly while a majority of them are rejigged on a semi-annual basis. 


1. What is the minimum notice period to be given for changes in broad market indices?

A. The minimum notice period to be given for changes in broad market indices is 4 weeks prior to the scheduled changes.

2. When is the scheduled recomposition effected for the majority of indices on NSE?

A. The majority of indices on NSE are scheduled to be recomposed semi-annually on the last day of March and September of the year.

3. Where can investors get the complete list of stocks traded on the NSE?

A. Investors can get the complete list of stocks traded on NSE on its website under the Market data tab in the top menu bar. Investors will have to select ‘Securities available for trading’ to get the complete updated list.

4. Will the changes in the composition of indices on NSE affect the investors of mutual funds?

A. The changes in the composition of indices on the NSE will have little to no effect on long-term mutual fund investors. However, in the case of investors of index funds or ETFs, they may see lower returns due to potentially increased tracking errors as there may be alterations in the composition of the fund due to a change in their benchmark.

5. Which is the flagship or the primary index on NSE?

A. The flagship or the primary index on NSE is NIFTY 50.

Marisha Bhatt

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