return on capital employed
The objective of every business entity is to earn profits, and this is possible only if it functions in an efficient manner. For this, a company must ensure to optimally utilize its funds and available capital. It is also important for a company to periodically compare its efficiency against a benchmark or competitors. To measure its efficiency and performance from time to time, a business needs to have a financial tool or a ratio. This is where the return on capital employed comes into picture, as it helps a company to compare its efficiency against others within the same industry or sector.
Return on capital employed or ROCE helps in estimating a company’s efficiency of earning profits using its available capital. It is represented in a ratio form and mainly helps highlight how efficient a business may be.
ROCE is a profitability ratio which compares a company’s net operating profit to its capital employed. It tells how much is generated in profits by every rupee of capital employed by the company.
Investors who invest in the stock market must know some of the basics of the markets and terms related to such investments. Alongside, it is also important to learn about fundamental and technical analysis to gain expertise in identifying the right stocks for investment.
The formula for Return on Capital Employed is based on two key parameters:
Net operating profit, also known as earnings before interest and taxes or EBIT, includes profits and excludes interest and taxes.
Capital employed = Total assets – current liabilities
The formula for ROCE is therefore:
ROCE = EBIT/Capital Employed |
Here is how investors and stakeholders can interpret ROCE results:
It is important to note, for investors, that comparing only ROCE results of two companies may not offer a holistic picture about the company’s performance. Therefore, they must consider other factors that are part of fundamental and technical analysis.
Lets us understand the application of the ROCE formula with an example:
Assume that:
One may interpret this as company ABC having a better investment, since its EBIT is higher. However, this is not the right interpretation as far as the profitability of the company is concerned. To understand these figures correctly, one must look at the ROCE of both these companies.
Using the same example, let’s assume that:
ROCE of company ABC = 200/1000 = 20%
ROCE of company XYZ = 150/600 = 25%
The ROCE formula shows us that returns for company ABC are 20% and that of company XYZ are 25%. Thus, ROCE shows that company XYZ may be a better investment as compared to company ABC.
Some of the advantages of ROCE are:
Here are a few of the limitations of ROCE
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) is a financial metric used to measure the efficiency and profitability of a company. A simple example could be:
A company has a capital employed (total assets minus current liabilities) of Rs. 100 crore and generates a profit of Rs. 20 crore in a year. The ROCE for the company would be 20% (20 crore / 100 crore). This means the company is generating 20% return on every rupee invested in the business.
As we have seen, ROCE is one of the important financial metrics that can be used by investors to assess the overall return from investing in a company. It overcomes the drawbacks of changing capital structures. However, investors must note that this ratio too is vulnerable to certain accounting misrepresentation. Therefore, one must be vigilant while using ROCE to analyse companies.
While both ROCE and ROE are profitability ratios, they are different, in that ROE takes only equity capital into consideration while ROCE takes both equity and debt capital into consideration.
Return on capital employed is often preferred by investors over return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA) as it takes both debt and equity financing into account. It is also a better metric to predict a company’s performance and its profitability in the long run.
Business capital is the company’s total assets after deducting current obligations. Capital utilization is considered by analysts and investors in combination with other financial measures to gauge the returns generated by a company’s assets and how effectively the management has been able to deploy capital.
There is no specific industry standard as far as ROCE is concerned. Since it is viewed in comparison to peers, the greater the value, the more efficient the firm is considered as far as capital utilisation is concerned. A larger ROCE, however, may also indicate that a company has a lot of cash on hand since cash is included in total assets.
Yes, it is possible that a company may have negative ROCE, especially if it has a negative operating profit.
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