Categories: Goverment Schemes

Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan

The aim is to improve the quality and reach of antenatal care (ANC). The Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A) Strategy; comprises diagnostics and counseling services. Click here!

About The Welfare & Campaign.

The Government of India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) started the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan in 2016. On the 9th of every month, the initiative seeks to provide assured, comprehensive, and high-quality antenatal care to all pregnant women free of charge. On the 9th day of every month, at the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Clinics, a minimum package of antenatal care services is offered to the beneficiaries under the program. 

Intended Recipients Of The Abhiyan.

This Scheme entails all pregnant ladies in India in the last six months of their pregnancy. Women who have not yet been registered for antenatal care or have not used services after being registered, particularly those with high-risk pregnancies, are encouraged to participate. A beneficiary can receive a minimal service package from a government-run clinic from pregnancy till birth as part of PMSMA. Every month on the ninth day of the year, maternal health care is provided free of charge. This ensures that every pregnant woman has at least one check-up between weeks 13 and 40 of her pregnancy.


  • Ensure that pregnant ladies have a healthy life.
  • Lowering the rate of maternal mortality.
  • Increasing awareness of health issues and diseases among pregnant women.
  • Assuring a safe delivery and a long life for the baby.
  • It will provide all kinds of medical examinations to pregnant mothers at no cost.
  • Every 12 minutes, a pregnant woman in India dies, with 45,000 women dying each year. Prenatal health screenings are performed on less than one-fifth (19.7%).
  • India’s maternal mortality rate (MMR) of 167 (167 maternal deaths per 100,000 births) fell short of the MDGs’ target of under 140 maternal deaths by 2015.
  • India’s IMR is 40 per 1,000 live births, compared to an MDG target of 29.

Facts Of PMSMA Campaign.

  • The scheme is only for pregnant women 3 to 6 months along in their pregnancy.
  • These examinations will be held at medical centers, government and private hospitals, and private clinics around the country.
  • Blood pressure, sugar level, weight, hemoglobin test, blood test, and screening will all be free.
  • Based on their health issues, women will be labeled differently, using different colored stickers to make it easier for doctors to spot the problem.
  • Red stickers will indicate severe patients, blue stickers, will indicate high blood pressure, and yellow stickers will indicate other disorders.

Accessible Services In Public Health Facilities.

  • Primary Health Centres, Community Health Centres, Rural Hospitals, in rural areas.
  • Sub-District Hospitals, District Hospitals, and Medical College Hospitals are all located in rural areas.
  • Urban Dispensaries, Urban Health Posts, and Maternity Homes are all found in urban areas.
  • Open this link to find your nearest health center that offers the service. Link:

Services Rendered Under This Scheme.

  • All visitors are initially enrolled in a separate Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan register (PMSMA).
  • Before the beneficiary is examined by the OBGY/Medical Officer, ANM & SN guarantees that all basic laboratory investigations are completed.
  • Ideally, the investigation report should be delivered within an hour before the recipients meet with the doctors for further examinations.
  • This will guarantee that any High-Risk conditions, such as anemia, gestational diabetes, hypertension, infection, and so on, are identified during the examination and that further guidance is given.
  • Beneficiaries should be instructed to get those investigations done and discuss the report during the next PMSMA or their usual ANC check-up visit; if extra investigations are required.

Specific Services.

  • All beneficiaries must have a comprehensive medical history obtained, which must then be inspected, and analyzed for any danger indicators, problems, or a high-risk status.
  • For all beneficiaries, arriving for an ANC check-up, blood pressure, abdominal examination, and a fetal heart sound examination should be performed.
  • If a woman attending a public health facility needs an investigation, a sample should be taken at the facility and transferred to the proper testing center. The ANM/MPW should be in charge of transporting the collected sample, communicating the results to the pregnant woman, and following up appropriately.
  • Medical Officer to examine and attend to every beneficiary attending PMSMA after examination by ANM/Staff Nurse.
  • All high-risk pregnancies should be sent to higher-level facilities, and the JSSK help desks set up at these facilities should be in charge of advising the referred women once they arrive. All beneficiaries will receive MCP cards.
  • Every high-risk woman, including those with problems, will be managed and treated; by an OBGY/CEmOC/BEmOC specialist. If necessary, such instances should be referred to higher-level facilities, with a referral sheet detailing the probable diagnosis and treatment provided.
  • All pregnant women should get one ultrasound during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. If necessary, USG services may be advised in a PPP format, and expenditures documented under JSSK.
  • Every pregnant woman should be counseled on nutrition, rest, safe sex, safety, birth preparedness, identification of danger indicators, institutional delivery, and Post-partum Family Planning (PPFP) before leaving the facility, whether individually or in groups.
  • Filling out MCP cards at these clinics should be required, and a sticker reflecting the pregnant women’s condition, and risk factors, should be affixed to the MCP card for each visit:
  • Green Sticker — for women who don’t have any risk factors.
  • Red Sticker — for high-risk pregnant women.
  • Blue Sticker — Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) is indicated by blue.
  • Yellow Sticker — yellow indicates pregnancy with comorbidities such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, or STIs.

Counseling Sessions.

  • Precautions should be taken throughout pregnancy.
  • During pregnancy, there are some warning signals to look out for.
  • Birth readiness and complication readiness, as well as contact information to be used, in the event, of an emergency
  • Planning a Family.
  • The importance of nutrition includes iron and folic acid intake and calcium supplementation.
  • Rest
  • Sex that is both safe and enjoyable
  • Delivery in a facility.
  • Referral transportation is identified.
  • Janani Suraksha Yojana entitlements (JSY).
  • Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram provides entitlements and a service guarantee (JSSK)
  • After a baby is born, there is a need for post-natal care.
  • Breastfeeding and supplementary feeding are two different types of feeding.

After thorough counseling, pregnant women with undesired pregnancies should be given safe abortion care. Referral Transportation Mechanism for Women at High Risk: 108/102/State-owned ambulances/Private impaneled ambulances can also refer to those cases deemed high risk during PMSMA. Scheme’s documents are available at the respective healthcare centers.

Volunteer Doctors’ Registration Process.

When it comes to joining the campaign, there are three stages to follow. First, you must register your purpose, then select the facility where you would want to volunteer, and last, you must provide feedback and verify your contribution. 

To volunteer, you must first register. Any of the following procedures can be used to register your willingness to volunteer:

  1. Toll-Free Phone Number. Doctors can register by calling 18001801104.
  2. Doctors can send an SMS to 5616115 with the phrase, “PMSMA space> Name.”
  3. Portal for PMSMA. To register, go here. 》
  4. Registration of Volunteers. Use the ‘Volunteer Registration’ section of the Mobile Application to sign up. 》

You will receive a call from us asking for information such as your name, phone number, email address, registration number (MCI) / State Council registration number, and the name of the state and district; where you would like to volunteer.

As soon as you register, a unique id / PMSMA enrolment number will be generated to enable us to comprehend the services you have supplied.

Akarshita Yaji

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