Categories: Gold

Millennials and Investing in Gold

The word millennial crops up in most contexts of the anguish to explain ‘Generation Y’, as they were earlier referred to as a bunch of people born post the baby boomer years who are significantly more sensitive and sensitized to the world around them and are being either too insensitive towards social norms and ideas being followed for generations. 

Millennials have often been considered to be the laziest and careless generation ever born because while the generations before the Millennials were hard-working and comparatively more sincere, they believed that ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ which is very far from the truth. Millennials recognized very early in their lives that ‘laziness is the mother of invention’ in reality and that everything today is invented because we just do not want to take the extra-pain of practical choices.

While a lot of people see this as an adversary effect on humankind, millennials are indeed more sensitive, open-minded, and experimental when it comes to new ideas and implementation of new ideas. One such proof is their re-inventing gold as a currency, but increasing the access to it through information technology and innovation.

Gold is truly a millennials choice for investment

As a millennial, it cannot be denied that we want more than we have because we almost get what we want in today’s world. But gold still remains to be one of the rarest metals in the planet often believed by scientists and their theory that large amounts of gold in the form of an asteroid entered the Earth’s atmosphere, scattering itself across the World long long time ago. While a lot of skeptics find it hard to believe, people acquainted with the fictitious metal ‘vibranium’ may be aware that fictitious Wakandans found this invincible and almost magical metal in a similar fashion.

While gold will not turn you into a superhero with the feels of a wild feline, it surely is associated with wealth because it never loses value and keeps getting more precious instead. Unlike titanium or platinum which can draw parallels with adamantium from the character Wolverine being far stronger, the rarity of gold makes it worth a lot more. But why is it convenient for millennials again? 

Gold is now available to be purchased digitally, both for investment or just buying it for your wedding. Yes, on our app, you can literally buy gold for investment or for someone’s wedding and save over some time. A lot of millennials who are beyond the exuberance of gold invest in gold mutual funds as their choice of investment because never has gold been deprived of its financial value over time. Yes, there are even Gold ETFs and Gold futures available as a golden investment opportunity but as a Millennial, you would choose the most convenient option being Digital Gold. Also, the super-secretive visits to buy Gold from a store and then having to take it to the bank locker for the fear of being robbed is also taken care of with Digital Gold. Digital Gold on our app comes with a free locker from MMTC- PAMP who guarantee the safety of a Millennials Gold. 

Millennials are a more educated bunch of individuals and they want the best in everything including MMTC-PAMP’s assurance of the 99.99% purity of the 24K Digital Gold. Hence, Digital Gold is truly a millennials choice of investment because Vibranium and adamantium do not exist in reality and of course all the other reasons that make Digital Gold more convenient to invest in.

“ Digital Gold, Forever”

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Tejesh Kumar

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