Returns on mutual funds investment are heavily influenced due to market fluctuations. Whether the market increases or decreases, the returns on mutual funds or other investments such as equities are impacted. Market neutral funds are a solution to this volatility. Market neutral funds hedge the risk of such volatility which means that even if the market increases or decreases, the fund stays neutral.
There are several factors that have to be considered while investing in market neutral funds. Some of such factors are mentioned below.
There are several advantages of investing in market neutral funds. Some of such advantages are discussed below.
While we have discussed the advantages of market neutral funds, these funds do have certain inherent disadvantages which are discussed below.
One of the main tips to make sound investment decisions with respect to market neutral funds is taking the advice of experts. A professional financial advisor can guide the investors about the various benefits and shortcomings of investing in market neutral funds.
Another important point to consider is the cost-benefit analysis. The investors have to review the funds at regular intervals to ensure that the cost paid for investing in these funds is justified by the returns generated. The risk of the funds is also to be kept in check. If the investor feels that the risk outweighs the returns, the portfolio has to be realigned keeping this in mind and ensuring that the portfolio meets the investment objective of the investors.
Market neutral funds provide the benefit of hedging but require a lot of experience and expertise to maximize returns. Hence it is advisable to take professional help of fund managers while dealing in these funds. It is better to consider them a secondary option for investments. It is also essential to review the risk profile on a timely basis to keep the risk factor in check.
A market neutral position is a 50-50 hedge position in either direction i.e. long or short position.
A long position is gained by purchasing the securities that are expected to increase in value and then selling them at such market level. A short position is gained by selling a security that is expected to decrease in value and then buying it at such value. The differential value in each position is the profit gained by the investors.
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