Credit cards are among the most popular products of any bank. Credit cards today are not considered to be a luxury but mostly a necessity. With the advent of online banking and the push for digital India, the use of credit cards has increased multifold. However, credit card frauds are not uncommon and the banks have to be very cautious about the security of the credit cards provided by them.
SBI being the largest bank in India has a huge customer base for credit cards and has taken many steps to ensure its security. Credit Card PIN is one such security measure available for credit cards. SBI credit card PIN is a 4 digit unique code that is used by the cardholder to authenticate any transactions done through a credit card.
There are many modes of generating this credit card PIN. Given below are the steps to generate the credit card PIN of SBI through various modes available to cardholders.
The steps to generate the credit card PIN of SBI through its website is mentioned below,
ILA is the Chatbot that is available on the website of the bank. Cardholders can generate their PIN through this Chatbot facility too. The steps for the same are mentioned below.
The steps for generating PIN through the mobile application of the bank ‘SBI YONO’ are mentioned below,
The IVR facility of the bank can be available on the numbers 1800 180 1290/ 39 02 02 02 (add the necessary STD codes)
Cardholders also have the option to generate PIN instantly through any SBI ATM. The steps the same are mentioned below.
Credit card PIN can be changed multiple times but has to be kept secure to ensure that the credit card is not misused. Given below are a few safety tips or measures to ensure the safety of SBI credit card PIN
Is it ok to have the same PIN for Primary and Add-on cards?
No, it is always better to have different PINs for different cards to provide greater security for each card.
Is it alright to give the PIN to the customer care of SBI?
The customer care of SBI cannot ask for the credit card PIN of the customer hence the customers should ensure that they never provide the PIN to the customer care executives for any transaction.
What should be done in the event of loss of credit card?
If the credit card of the customer is lost or stolen, they should immediately block it to avoid misuse of the same.
What is the CVV number?
CVV number is the 3 digit number at the back of the credit card which is used to generate OTP for online transactions.
Can a person change the PIN multiple times?
Yes, Credit card PIN can be changed multiple times through any of the modes mentioned above.
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