Credit cards are extremely convenient for anyone. But due to many reasons, you may decide to cancel your credit card. Banks allow credit card users to cancel their credit cards at any time. Gone are the days when you had to visit the bank branch to cancel your credit card. There are many more ways to do that.
Read on to learn more about the ways to cancel your HDFC credit card.
HDFC Bank allows you to cancel your existing credit card in the following ways
You can easily cancel your HDFC Bank credit card by calling HDFC Bank 24/7 Phone Banking numbers applicable to your area of residence from the numbers given below for your easy reference.
You could follow the steps below to register your request for cancellation of your card.
Step 1: You would need to validate your Telephone Identification Pin, also called TIN to establish your identity as a valid customer. This number is provided by the bank to access phone banking services.
Step 2: After confirming your credentials, you can easily cancel your credit card by following instructions on the phone
The Phone Banking numbers for all major cities in India are given here.
Ahmedabad | 079 61606161 |
Bangalore | 080 61606161 |
Chandigarh | 0172 6160616 |
Chennai | 044 61606161 |
Cochin | 0484 6160616 |
Delhi/NCR | 011 61606161 |
Hyderabad | 040 61606161 |
Indore | 0731 6160616 |
Jaipur | 0141 6160616 |
Kolkata | 033 61606161 |
Lucknow | 0522 6160616 |
Mumbai | 022 61606161 |
Pune | 020 61606161 |
If you are looking to call from any other town/city, you can check for those numbers here.
You can cancel your existing credit card by filling and submitting the Credit Card Closure Application form. You could get this form either at any of the HDFC Bank branches or easily download it here.
Once you fill-up the form you could submit it at your nearest HDFC Bank branch to cancel your credit card. There is no provision for online submission of the form.
There are many transactions that you carry out with the help of your card. So, it’s good to go through these pointers before you decide to cancel the card.
Reward points are another important component of a credit card. You would like to know what happens to your points after you cancel your card. So, these pointers will help you.
It is a well-understood fact that any action on your credit product like a loan or a credit card can affect your credit score in some way.
Learn in what ways can closing a credit card affect your credit score.
Can affect Credit History: Closing a credit card that has been running for a long time can shorten your credit history. Credit score calculation takes into account the experience that an individual has in dealing with credit products for a long time. So, when you close a long-standing account like a credit card, you may experience a temporary drop in your credit score.
Reduction in Credit Limit: Your credit utilization plays an important role in your credit score calculation. Credit utilization is nothing but the ratio of the amount spent on your credit card to the credit limit allotted on all your cards.
If you have more than one credit card and you end up cancelling one of them, the overall credit limit comes down. If you do not bring down your expenses, then you may end up increasing your credit utilization ratio after closing one of your credit cards. This can have a negative effect on your credit score.
To unblock or reactivate a closed HDFC credit card quickly and easily, users can contact HDFC Credit Card Customer Care at 1860-267-6161 and request for the unblocking of their card.
HDFC’s official website lists the Customer Service Centre numbers for various cities. If a credit card was blocked due to overspending or unpaid bills, the user can get it unblocked. However, if a credit card was lost or stolen, it is not advisable to attempt to unblock it.
It may take up to 10 days to close your credit card. It could also depend on if you have any outstanding balance on your credit card. The procedure to close your card is not initiated until you clear all your balances. So, pay off all outstanding amounts and only then apply for cancellation of the card.
If you have outstanding balances on your card, you will be informed of the same via email/ as a credit card outstanding bill over the post, etc. You are expected to clear that at the earliest so that the bank can start initiating the cancellation process.
Once your card is canceled and you get confirmation from the bank’s end, the right way to dispose of the card is to cut it into diagonal pieces.
This would depend on a case to case basis. If your card has an annual fee charged, it would be good to cancel the card if it is of no use to you. Also, keep in mind the effect of canceling a credit card. Based on these factors, you could make a decision that is best suited for you.
No, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to get another credit card as and when you need one, as long as you have a good credit score and follow good credit practices like paying back your loans and credit card bills on time.
Also read HDFC Credit Card balance check
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