Volume indicators are tools that show how much trading activity or the number of contracts being traded is happening for a particular commodity. These indicators help traders and investors understand how actively a commodity is being bought and sold in the market.
Volume indicators are used to analyze the level of trading activity surrounding a commodity. They give information about the total number of contracts or shares traded during a specific period of time. By looking at the volume of trades, traders can get an idea of the level of interest and participation in a particular commodity.
If a volume indicator shows high trading volume for a commodity, it suggests that many buyers and sellers are actively involved in trading such a commodity. This could indicate increased market interest or potential price movements. On the other hand, if the volume indicator shows low trading volume for a commodity, it means that there is less activity and fewer contracts being traded. This could indicate lower market interest or a lack of significant price movements.
On-Balance Volume (OBV)
Volume Moving Average (VMA)
Accumulation/Distribution Line (ADL)
Chaikin Money Flow (CMF)
Open Interest (OI)
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