A liability is an obligation or something which is owesd but not yet settled. Liabilities are legally binding obligations which are settled once a payment is made or through transfer of something of economic value or goods or services. A business liability can include loans, accounts payable, mortgages, bills payable, bank overdraft, bonds, short term loans and accrued expenses etc. Liabilities are recorded on the right side of the balance sheet.
Liabilities are categorised as
1. Current liabilities which are also termed as short-term liabilities or which can be closed/settled within 12 months. Example: bills payable, outstanding expenses
2. Long term liabilities which can be settled after 12 months. Example: debentures, mortgage loans
A PPF calculator is an online tool that helps you calculate the maturity amount at…
Non-resident Indians are not allowed to open a new PPF account. However, if a resident…
PPF rules do not allow joint accounts. An account can only be opened in the…
After the maturity of the PPF account, you have the option to extend it for…
From the 7th financial year onwards, you can make partial withdrawals from your PPF account.…